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Mitsubishi Electric ErP Directive Related Product Information

ErP labels for Lot 1 (space heaters and combination heaters) of E-generation connection are available at the following generator.

This site provides the required documents by the EU's Energy Related Products Directive (Eco-Design Directive) which specifies the minimum Eco-Design requirements that manufacturers must integrate into their energy-using products.

Under the Eco-Design directive, each regulation defines the required documents.

Across all products, efficiency is used to define a true energy consumption and/or effectiveness of a product. The method of this depends on the product type and Lot requirements.

For some Lots, Service information is required.

1. GRUPAS dokumenti

Atrodiet dokumentus, kas saistīti ar informāciju par izstrādājumu, kas noteikta 2013. gada 2. augsta ES Regulā Nr. 813/2013 un 2013. gada 18. februāra ES Regulā Nr. 811/2013.

Lot 1

(Space heaters and combination heaters)

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10. GRUPAS dokumenti

Atrodiet dokumentus, kas saistīti ar informāciju par izstrādājumu, kas noteikta 2012. gada 6. marta ES Regulā Nr. 206/2012.

Lot 10

(Air Conditioning ≦12kW)

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11. GRUPAS dokumenti

Atrodiet dokumentus, kas saistīti ar informāciju par izstrādājumu, kas noteikta 2011. gada 30. marta ES Regulā Nr. 327/2011.

Lot 11


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6./10. GRUPAS dokumenti

Atrodiet dokumentus, kas saistīti ar informāciju par izstrādājumu, kas noteikta 2014. gada 7. jūlija ES Regulā Nr. 1253/2014 un 2014. gada 11. jūlija ES Regulā Nr. 1254/2014.

Lot 6/10


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21./6. GRUPAS dokumenti

Atrast dokumentus ar informāciju par izstrādājumu saskaņā ar ES Regulu Nr. 2016/2281 (2018. gada 1. janvāris).

Lot 21/6

(Air Conditioning >12kw, chillers and fan coil units)

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2. GRUPAS dokumenti

Atrast dokumentus ar informāciju par izstrādājumu, kas ir nepieciešami saskaņā ar ES Regulu Nr. 814/2013, 31.08.2013. 02. un 18. Feb. 2013 812/2013.

Lot 2


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LOT 5 Documents

Find documents related to the product information required by the EU regulation no. 2019/2021 of 1 October 2019.

Lot 5

(Electronic displays)

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GROW LOT 1 Documents

Find documents related to the product information required by the EU regulation no. 2015/1095 of 5 May 2015

GROW Lot 1

(Professional Refrigeration)

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Lot 30 Documents

Find documents related to the product information required by the EU regulation no. 2019/1781 of 1 October 2019.

Lot 30

(Motors ≧120w)

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