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Mitsubishi Electric ErP Directive Related Product Information

ErP labels for Lot 1 (space heaters and combination heaters) of E-generation connection are available at the following generator.

This site provides the required documents by the EU's Energy Related Products Directive (Eco-Design Directive) which specifies the minimum Eco-Design requirements that manufacturers must integrate into their energy-using products.

Under the Eco-Design directive, each regulation defines the required documents.

Across all products, efficiency is used to define a true energy consumption and/or effectiveness of a product. The method of this depends on the product type and Lot requirements.

For some Lots, Service information is required.

Dokumenty LOT 1

Nájdite si dokumenty týkajúce sa informácií o produkte, ktoré vyžaduje nariadenie EÚ č. 813/2013 z 2. augusta 2013 a 811/2013 z 18. februára 2013.

Lot 1

(Space heaters and combination heaters)

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Dokumenty LOT 10

Nájdite si dokumenty, týkajúce sa informácií o produkte, ktoré vyžaduje nariadenie EÚ č. 206/2012 zo 6. marca 2012

Lot 10

(Air Conditioning ≦12kW)

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Dokumenty LOT 11

Nájdite si dokumenty, týkajúce sa informácií o produkte, ktoré vyžaduje nariadenie EÚ č. 327/2011 z 30. marca 2011.

Lot 11


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Dokumenty LOT 6/10

Nájdite si dokumenty týkajúce sa informácií o produkte, ktoré vyžaduje nariadenie EÚ č. 1253/2014 zo 7. júla 2014 a č. 1254/2014 z 11. júla 2014

Lot 6/10


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Dokumenty LOT 21/6

Nájdite si dokumenty týkajúce sa informácií o produkte, ktoré vyžaduje nariadenie EÚ č. 2016/2281 od 1. januára 2018.

Lot 21/6

(Air Conditioning >12kw, chillers and fan coil units)

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Dokumenty LOT 2

Nájdite si dokumenty týkajúce sa informácií o produkte, ktoré vyžaduje nariadenie EÚ č. 814/2013 z 2. augusta 2013 a 812/2013 z 18. februára 2013.

Lot 2


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LOT 5 Documents

Find documents related to the product information required by the EU regulation no. 2019/2021 of 1 October 2019.

Lot 5

(Electronic displays)

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GROW LOT 1 Documents

Find documents related to the product information required by the EU regulation no. 2015/1095 of 5 May 2015

GROW Lot 1

(Professional Refrigeration)

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Lot 30 Documents

Find documents related to the product information required by the EU regulation no. 2019/1781 of 1 October 2019.

Lot 30

(Motors ≧120w)

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